Horse Racing

2 weeks ago

Why Hawkes believes Pride Of Jenni will be cooked for the rest of the spring

By SENTrack


Wayne Hawkes says if it’s true that Pride Of Jenni had an elevated temperature after her Memsie defeat - she’ll be cooked for the spring.

Gareth Hall is reporting that the Ciaron Maher-trained star pulled up with a slightly elevated temperature after her disappointing run on the weekend and that that would explain her out of character performance.

Reacting to the news, Hawkes says he’d be willing to put a line through the star mare for the rest of the spring if it is true that she’s raced with an elevated temperature.

“That’s no good,” Hawkes told SENTrack.

“An elevated temperature means that she was obviously coming down with something and we didn’t know.

“I suppose if you’re a footballer and you’ve got the sniffles, I suppose you can go to the doctor and take some Sudafed or whatever is legally allowed.

“Ciaron doesn’t run them for the sake of running them, no trainer does if the horse is not right but if she has a slight temperature after the race, she’ll be cooked for the spring.

“There are very few horses that can overcome that if you just look at it generally, if a horse pulls up and it’s got a temperature, 99 out of 100 won’t overcome that.

“If she’s got a temperature and she’s raced and was getting a bit crook, she’ll be cooked.”

Pride Of Jenni will target the King Charles at Randwick on October 19.

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