1 week ago

Melbourne President Kate Roffey officially steps down



Melbourne president Kate Roffey has stepped down from her role at the club.

Roffey’s decision, effective immediately, comes after heavily scrutiny following the suspected stand-off with Christian Petracca, along with several questions surrounding the culture of the club.

“As I finish up my incredible time with the Melbourne Football Club, I pass on my sincere thanks to all those who have supported me along the way - fellow Directors, CEO Gary Pert and the staff who work so tirelessly behind the scenes, our football department, in particular our Head Coaches Simon Goodwin and Mick Stinear, Footy Boss Alan Richardson, and our members, yes - especially the Mighty Demon Army,” Roffey told the Melbourne faithful today.

“To the families of our players, thank you!

“And of course, to the men and women who play for the red and the blue – by far the most rewarding part of a President’s role is having the opportunity to know you all and share a hug.

“As always, I will be sitting in the stands cheering you on.

“My best goes to everyone for the ongoing success of the Mighty Dees!”

Roffey held her role as president since 2021 and is set to be replaced by former Demon’s captain Brad Green.

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